In Snark Contrast

  • A Lesson From Bizarro World

    Gotta say, I totally loved reading Superman comics as a kid; couldn't get enough of 'em. Just when times seemed bleakest the Man of Steel would swo...
  • The Niceties of Life

    Certain words just sort of ease their way into our language and stay there with nary a chance of becoming defunct. They're innocuous to the point o...
  • Art Clearly Not Imitating Life

    So, the other day I'm at the supermarket checkout line when I run into an old buddy I hadn't seen in years.  For the first few minutes it's all abo...
  • Black Friday Blues

    Ahh, here we are, straight out of a tryptophan-induced coma, five pounds heavier, savagely hungover, smack dab in the middle of Black Friday, that ...
  • Mad Lib

    Don't know about you, but when I'm upset the last thing I want or need is someone trying to cheer me up. Trying to take me out of my funk at a mome...
  • Skeletons Out Of The Closet

    Being a skeleton means never getting fat-shamed. Sure, the bony jokes are there for the taking: "Dude, maybe dial down your Ozempic", "Wow, it was ...
  • I know, I Know, I Know, I Know

    Note: If you've somehow forgotten or are unfamiliar with the 1972 Bill Withers' hit, "Ain't No Sunshine", jump on YouTube and check it out so you'l...
  • Reflections On Day-To-Day Living

    Monday: From the get-go, the world was my oyster. Woke up with a "seize the day!" mentality that never waned. Got in a good workout, ate a hearty b...
  • Chump Chow Choices

    Remember that time you sauntered by a vegan restaurant only to be blown away by the overpowering, totally tantalizing smell of extra-firm tofu waft...
  • Bedside Manner of Speaking

    That crack I made to a neighbor about him being next in line for the "Dumbest Human Being On The Planet" award was a tad much, I know. Likewise, me...
  • Life: A Six Step Program

    (1) Gaining a Step: It all starts with baby steps, that magical moment when a child--a year old, give or take--having gone from crawling to a full ...
  • Take This Job and Pummel It

    Right from the beginning you realized this job interview was different. And, yeah, not in a good way. Sure, the guy behind the desk seemed pleasant...