10) This morning, instead of hitting the snooze button, you vaulted out of bed into a double somersault followed by a triple gainer and then nailed the landing. I mean, you really stuck it.

9) A heated discussion at the water cooler by a couple of work associates resulted in you issuing them both yellow cards for taunting.

8) You've gotten so caught up in beach volleyball you're now subconsciously flashing totally nonsensical hand signals behind your back at bewildered family members and friends.

7) You dislocated your shoulder attempting the Inverted Butterfly in the bathtub then immediately called a press conference, claiming you'd been thrown off your game by the Aussie's false start in lane three.

6) Earlier this week at the airport you were detained and aggressively questioned when security discovered a starter's pistol in your carry-on bag.

5) Buoyed by the reaction to your latest PowerPoint presentation at work, you couldn't stop looking up at the ceiling, nervously anticipating your score.

4) Last night at dinner, your family watched in horror as you ruined a perfectly good pasta meal by grabbing the spatula and rifling passing shots across the table with the meatballs.

3) The amount of rosin you've gone through this week is staggering.

2) All day, to the bewilderment of your office-mates, you've been referring to the copier as "the apparatus".

And the number one sign that you have Olympic fever:

1) You’ve been wearing that same Olympic leotard now for, like… eight days?